Olly the Little White Van is a stunning pre-school animated series that follows Olly, an adorable, big-hearted and cheeky little white van.
Olly (voiced by Justin Fletcher), has the energy and enthusiasm of a Labrador puppy and together with his driver, Stan, always finds a way to help someone out while having lots of fun along the way.
Olly has lots of friends with very different kinds of characters. From Bazza – Olly’s pesky sidekick – to the slow and steady Jethro the tractor, everyone plays an important role in the lively community.
Olly and all his friends are happy driving around on their own or with their drivers! Olly has his ups and downs in a way that children can relate, to but essentially, he has a sunny, smiley personality. Olly loves to help.
The heart of the show is about inspiring and empowering children, to lend a helping hand where they can be considerate to others.